About us
Thank you for visiting our site. As a start-up company, ElektrikCar would like to welcome and introduce you to our products and services.

If you are not familiar with our company and your first contact with us is online: we would be pleased to hear from you!

Please let us know what your needs and questions are, we will be more than happy to listen to your comments. You may reach us on theteam@elektrikcar.com

Please check back to our site regularly to know the stories of a new car company in the making.

For the primary electric storage, Lithium-Ion, Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) or if possible the latest Nano-Lithium battery system will be used.

To prevent fire hazards and to regulate battery charging or discharging, the battery modules will be equipped with battery management systems (BMS). BMS technologies are intended to set apart battery safety from those installed on laptops. 

With these specifications, our electric vehicles will be safe and can have a range of 200-300 miles on single battery charge with maximum speeds between 80-90 mph.

Our Cars will be made of composites of alloys and carbon fiber bodies arranged on a space framed body structure.
Check our video in YouTube

This statement, brochure or presentation contains forward looking statements such as will, would, to be, should be and etc. which show our expectations for our products.  At the current time, these statements should only be taken as design guidelines and should not be confirmed of their accuracies.  ElektrikCar LLC should not be held accountable should these forward statements are  not reflected on our future products.